
CS247 P4

Max Meyers (maxjacob), Michelle Pan (mxpan), and Matthew Pick (mpick)

View our Project on GitHub mxpan/m3

Milestone 1: Team Formation and Ideating


Project Ideas

1. Multimedia Virtual Time Capsules

Communicate with strangers across time by leaving photos and videos in virtual time capsules.

This idea explores the concept of communication across time between strangers. The target users of this application are people interested in viewing a specific location over time when they are in heavily trafficked areas such as vacation destinations. Users can leave digital time capsules comprised of photos and videos linked with the specific location in which they were taken. When other users physically enter a location containing digital time capsules, they can view the messages left by other users in the past.

2. Daily Social Videos

A platform that allows people to send one video per day to their friends. The videos are limited to a certain length (30 seconds) and they expire at midnight each day.

This idea allows people to share “the highlight of their day” and in turn get a brief glimpse into their friends’ daily lives. The target users are people who are curious about what their friends are up to, but don’t necessarily have the time to dig too much. The platform can be used on a daily basis, but the one-short-video-per-day restriction encourages users to think carefully about what they want their day to look like to friends.

3. Effortless Video Wall

Share a short moment of your day every time you open your laptop and see each of your friend’s most recent moment on a wall of living picture frames.

This application targets people who enjoy the emotional connection of a face to face checkin without the need for a lengthy recording, editing, and publishing process and are also comfortable with sharing everyday, unposed moments. The interaction is already built into our daily lives -- every time a user opens their laptop, they record a short video and move on with whatever task they had in mind. The low interaction overhead provides for a prolific content stream and a simple way to check in with the ones you’re closest with. Think of the wall of living portraits in the halls of Hogwarts, but with one’s friends. People are eager to keep in touch with those in their circles that are far away, and the effortless photo wall provides a way to do that constantly without the need to prepare or curate -- or even think about! -- one’s output.