
CS247 P4

Max Meyers (maxjacob), Michelle Pan (mxpan), and Matthew Pick (mpick)

View our Project on GitHub mxpan/m3

Milestone 6: Functional Prototype II


Based on our user testing from last week, we realized that we needed to pivot our idea slightly to keep users engaged in the silent-film-making process beyond creating just 2 or 3 videos in a thread. From our testing, we noticed users enjoyed creating the silent videos and playing them back; however, the short conversations arose when users felt they no longer had a response to keep the thread going. Thus, we decided to make our app into a collaborative silent movie making platform (similar to Google Docs, but for silent film production). Users can start a movie thread and later add facebook friends where each person can make and contribute silent movie clips to the overall composition. When a movie contains all the desired clips, users can export it and share it with their friends.

Updates to Existing Features based on Testing: New Features: Implementation Progress:

All of the features and changes mentioned above have been implemented. We are currently working on exporting our silent movies directly to Facebook and sending them via email. We will also continue to clean up the UI in the coming weeks. Another one of our goals is to get rid of the the volume slider (which is competely useless) at the bottom of our videos.