
CS247 P4

Max Meyers (maxjacob), Michelle Pan (mxpan), and Matthew Pick (mpick)

View our Project on GitHub mxpan/m3

Milestone 4: Functional Prototype I

Features: Implementation so far:

So far we’ve implemented user login via Facebook and the ability to start threads (conversations) with other users by finding their nickname. In the threads, users are able to send silent videos to each other and add title cards to the beginning and end of the videos. The cards can be customized with whatever text the user wants. We also implemented the playback of videos (completely silent) with the title cards automatically added to the beginnings and ends. In addition, the thread view shows a history of the videos sent between the two parties.

What’s next:
  1. Make the addition of title cards optional instead of mandatory; users can choose to only add cards at the beginning or the end of a video, or no card at all
  2. Implement a better way (ie. search) of finding users to start threads with (current system requires you to know the other party’s nickname on the app)
  3. Beautify the user interface